Operation “Get cracking!” Pt 3

After working on the trial figures I re thought the order I’m working in with colours.

What drove this was the realisation that the leather strap on the US helmet needs painted to make the figures look great.
Also the brown colours typically but up to other colours that makes painting rifles in hands difficult.

So order is :

base : spray paint Dunkelgelb
Brown: boots, rifles, SMG’s, entrenching tools, pistol holsters and the helmet strap.
Khaki: Webbings, water bottle, some pistol holsters.
Olive green/grey: Knee, elbow patches and bags.
Black: Weapons metal. Boot soles, knife handles.
Flesh tone: Flesh
Olive Drab: Helmets and some pouches
Magic wash: all except for flesh.
Magic flesh wash: rose tinted wash to flesh.

So lets see how it goes.

Oh .. I have two mortars to be custom made.. as I seem to be short both of them and scavenge 5 x 30 cal Mg’s
This is what you get for buying second hand.

    Bye for now

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