More Glade Guard

These two are examples of the woodelves first plastic kit (I think).  All are styled rather boringly in the exact same pose, as was the way back then.  On the upside they rank beautfifully, no fluffing around trying to make the bows and whatnot tuck into the personal space of the model in front.  I have two boxes each containing an annoying eight models (units are now 10+ elves).  So sixteen in total.  One box is painted with the green cloaks the other box with brown cloaks, hence I’ve only bothered to shows examples of each, since they really are all exactly the same.  These are again my own colour scheme, the ones on the box had yellow tunics and red bows and looked rather awful so I thought I couldn’t do much worse myself.  The hardest thing to do was the eyes as they have quite narrow faces that are heavily cowled.  I was pretty good at doing eyes back then (unlike now) but these were quite a trial.  I also have two additional metal figures holding sword and bow (similar to the other glade guard with the stripey trousers) painted in the respective colour schemes to bolster the units out too nine each.

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