Warmachine? WOTC stuff

Iwas asked by a nice friend of mine to “have a go” at a figure from WOTC warmachine.
Received it.. wow what a nice change.. 28mm scale or slightly smaller. Female figurine and alternative colours are alowed.. although a strong suggestion of purple, beigh and almost field grey green was spken of.
I received the model undercoated black .
I painted teh light parts white and then after that got stuck in.

New things for me.. attempted blending.. semi succesfull.
Used a pearlescent method on the bustier.
Used a silken method to shimmer the inside of the cape.
Havn’t finshed the flesh or some other componets.. and exceptionaly important havn’t done any drybrushing.
Oh wel let the pictures say the rest.






I’m looking forward to using the pearlescent effect on some of my lizardmen to make them look slithering.

Thanks Gents..feel free to to TTP.

2 Replies to “Warmachine? WOTC stuff”

  1. You lucky guy. I’ve been very tempted to buy some warmachine figurines to have a go. They’re quite nice minis.
    Anyway far out I can hardly see the bustier for the sheen. Is that gloss varnish?
    And the inside of the cape? If you didn’t drybrush might I assume you used a very watered down metalic?
    All in all quite good, not sold on the pearlescent effect but I’m sure that is as much to do with the photo as anything and am interested to know how you achieved it.

  2. Boith use a watered down silver vallajo metallic. but you also mix a very dilute ink with it that compliments the base colour…

    it is a bit tril and error but it works.

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