Elefant Tank Hunter project

Elefant Tank Hunter project

I got two Elefant tanks with my 2nd hand lot of vehicles.

I have stripped them in Simple Green solution and brushed them. (Wire)

Tracks are re-glued on where necessary and the guns. One gun is so well glued on I am not trying to remove it for fear of damaging it.  It is noticeable as the previous genius glued it on upside down!

I made up some hatch covers of the one piece variety. Used Milliput™ to sculpt the internal handle.

The other hatch cover was missing on both so I used Milliput™ to make both. Including outer hand holds.

I had putty left over.. Which is a real pain because I can’t stand wasting putty so I usually go-to-town and sculpt something…

In this case I sculpted a lunch on the bonnet on a cloth.  Not very war like but I enjoyed it.  Looking forward to painting two red streaky apples, black bread and canteen of artificial coffee.  I took inspiration from the Battlefront painting guide with Remer with his cup of coffee in hand.

I also added some discarded shell casings to the rear deck of one of the panthers.

Lunch on the bonnet Elefant commander

Milliput sets as hard as metal so you can file it later and carve any further details that would just mash up when soft.

2 Replies to “Elefant Tank Hunter project”

  1. Yeah I hate to wast putty too. I’m so cheap 😳
    Anyway like the the lunch work. Is going to look odd when you’re rolling it across the battlefield but then how many times are you going to get the opportunity to field two elephants (and still have a realistic chance of winning) 🙂

  2. Ok.. ok .. I get it … are we to re-name this one …
    ” The last supper”?
    or should I base it with some infantry and call it …
    “The last sapper”

    Good point though.. at 670 odd points for two, which is the minimum you can field in most books it does only leave slightly more than half your 1500 tournament points left.

    And if i take a Confident Trained Normandy Division (even though there are no Elefants in Normandy, wast of time in bocage) I would then have to increase the cost by 15 points per 50 points or part there of which would make 2 Elefants cost…
    880 points!

    But then you do get 1950 points instead of 1500…
    that is an increase of 220 points between two tanks. 220 out of 450 points extra allocation. And they stay as Confident Veteran. You can get plenty more weapons platoon for 250 points. Even an entire Black pioneer platoon. Or extra anti aircraft guns.

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