Grimgor Ironhide

For a long time my favourite and best painted figure in my collection (with the exception perhaps of my Avatar which I went and sold :cry:, anyway moving on).  This minature truly embodies the mean and green spirit of the orcs.  Obviously I’ve pretty much faithfully followed Games Workshop colour scheme as I almost always do.  There have been a couple of times when I’ve deviated thinking something would look good painted with a different scheme and then.. well.. it didn’t.  As a result I have little faith in my visualisation of colours and so tend to copy that which is proven.  The only thing thats a little different is the armour isn’t quite as blackened and the green skin isn’t quite as light.  Each time I think I should lighten the skin I decide not too.  I kinda like it dark.

2 Replies to “Grimgor Ironhide”

  1. “Mr Light kinda likes it dark!…

    well then if Mr light kinda likes it dark then it will stay in the dark pit.”

    “And when it’s in the pit the Mr light will put on the lotion!”

    Hey seriosly I had forgot about him… maybe the torn head puts me off alot… and the thought that you can’t look at an ork and not laugh… I mean seriously you know how child acters that look cute grow up and look ugly in thier police mug shots… well… this is what happened to all those cute littel Doozers from Fragil Rock when they pass puberity… they become stinkin Orcs!

  2. 😆 aren’t you on a roll tonight. Yeah I guess there always is that rather comical aspect to them and they are like …well green.
    I still like him though, he’s a cool model and one that I’m very happy about the paintwork on although looking at it in the photo here I can think of a few things I could do to improve it.

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