Operation “Get Cracking” Pt 5

Ok this is the second week on this project and it s looking good so far.

Where a I up to?

I have painted all the flesh on the two platoons and are currently painting the olive drab helmets and bazookas.

What is next?

I need to wash them with a dilute black or grey.
I need to wash the flesh with a dilute pink
I need to varnish them in Matt Varnish.
I need to cut the card off of the bases.
I need to glue them to bases (which i have a stock of pre-roughed or gouged bases surfaces)
I need to mix pain and drywall together and plaster the bases
I need to flock the bases and add colored markings.

So as you can see from the list above there is still plenty to do.

But here is a picture of what they look like so far.

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