Operation “Get cracking!” Pt 4

Painted the elbow, knee patches and back packs in an olive green colour.

Patches are hard to get “square” but considering they are on figs I got the patches of colour close enough. If I have to I will line the patches in black in the next step.. which is paint all the black colours.. e.g weapons and binoculars.

Yes there are now even more airborne landing into my posts

And I am really proud to finally have some uber FV troops!

3 Replies to “Operation “Get cracking!” Pt 4”

  1. Oh well done. Haven’t checked in on the site for a while and hadn’t realised you’d posted all this. I kinda like the ’42 colour scheme, contrasts a bit better.
    Washing 15mm is quite hard, I think part of the problem is the small scale. I tend to paint a base coat, wash then highlight/drybrush/touch up which gets rid of any of these imperfections.
    I should probably do some work for August too. After Gorbad I’ve been going out flounder spearing, being sick (all this week) and assembling the Island of the Blood Skaven and High Elves.
    Need to paint up some more FJ but ….

  2. Do you have enough FJ for a 600 point army? Enough painted or at least three base colours painted?

    Becasue I have this US airbourne finished now. Which becasue we are playing Market Garden we definatley need them.

    I’m considering if I should go terrain building now or finish the Marders.. but you have some Marders don’t you? So no need to double that up.

    Might paint some Shermans.. as they are a core army choice and I would probably have enough to havea firestorm unit and a core unit..If someone was to desighn such an army.

    Oh I need to airbrush the King tiger too.

    And build a wind mill and some raised poulder roads. And some swampy ground mats.

    Need some of that Silfor… any idea wher to get it around here?

    Oh and finish the bases on all theUS troops too.

    Might have to make up some jeeps.

    Hey here is aquastion for you… if you wanted to play a 15mm modern as a skirmish style game.. i.e seperate stand per figure…

    What nation/fction would you like (first choice, and second choice) and what one vehicle would you take as a squad transport if you were limited to 2 vehicles.

    E.g I would like to try Serbian Army, M80A and French Armed forces,VAB APC2.

    Or insergents.. you know Iraqi freedoor religion fighters.

    Although I could very easily go Chinese military though….

    Actually I could probably change VAB for a chopper of some sort.

  3. Ok not counting my Marders or my Tigers which are painted, or the 4 PaK40’s and 2 Kingtigers that aren’t painted, or the almost full 4th combat platoon of assualt rifles and bits left over that also aren’t painted, I have 1680pts worth of finished FJ (painted and based).

    I have two Marders that you generously donated to me.

    No idea where you get silfor, imagine you have to buy it online. If you do find out where to source it locally, or you create an online order let me know.

    I’m not sure what the question is, should there be a url for me or something?

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