High Elf Elyrian Reavers

My five old school High Elf Elyrian Reavers.  When I started my woodelf army back in 1995 there were no cav models and I was desperate to have cavalry as I was and am a big fan of cav, afterall I wanted a Bretonian army.  Nevertheless whilst Glade Riders were on the cards they weren’t yet out and certainly not in my corner of the world so I purchased a box of five Elyrian Reavers.  They’re elves afterall, have bows and spears so close enough.  These are therefore another unit painted very early on in my painting ‘career’ and as is my way follows quite closely (or as closely as my skill allowed) the GW colour scheme.  At one point I sold them to somebody (having later purchased real glade riders) as high elves.  I hated myself for it an later bought them back, very embarrassing.  I still like them and still field them as Glade Riders in my wood elf army.  At some point I might re-acutalise my high elf army (I briefly had the beginnings of one though these reavers were the only painted component) and they can go back to being Reavers, albeit very old style.

One Reply to “High Elf Elyrian Reavers”

  1. These guys (aheem elves) always remond me of Polish horsmen of the Tutonic period…

    I think hte WH40K ripped them off too with their white scars, or somthing like that.

    I find them confusing because I was bought up with John Wayne movies where only Plains Indian Chiefs had headgear like that… and seeing a white dued with them feathers is like watching a whole bunch of guys dressed like the Village People indian.. or is it the the guy from Venga Boys.

    Buy the way I love the video for “Sha la la la” nuf said.

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