Tiger IE

Starting to run out of photos, will have to take some more.

This is my first german tank I painted, many years ago.  This was taken before I took the picture of the diorama in which the same tank appears.  For that I touched it up as bits of paint had chipped and highlighted a little more and weathered some more.  I really need to get some decals for it to properly finish it and some varnish probably wouldn’t go a miss.  Pictured here showing it’s rear since  already have a photo the reverse angle.

4 Replies to “Tiger IE”

  1. I can send you Decals if you wish?
    But you have to upon a star.
    But not a Normandy landing star
    But a real one way high in the sky.
    Tinkle tinkle little tank

  2. Thanks but I should probably find out where to get them and buy some myself. Assume you can order them from Battlefront

  3. No I do not think so.

    I bught a second hand box of mid ware Panzergrenadiers and it was untouched except the decals were one sheet shot or lost altogether.

    So I emailed BF for a sheet and was told in responce that the decal sheet only is sold with teh box set.

    However things can always change.
    I purchased a sheet of german crosses about five years ago from England that I used on my Hetzers. You will remember those. Back in those days (old man) you painted your german crosses and english roundals on your tanks and trucks.

    Remember that?

    But I have those at King Street. They are there if you would like?? I have heaps.

  4. Yes I remember trying to paint crosses and roundels. unfortunately no matter how neat you are it is never as sharp as a decal.
    Ok sure, you’ve talked me round. Can you send me some please.

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