2 Replies to “Tiger Diorama”

  1. Hey those other works are getting so good now I think they need to do like what they do at the one ring.. that is havea juniour and intermediate section.

    Hey I love the broken windows, love the plaster rendering and the bricks well… bricks are always hard. What happened to all the mortar? Just being critical.. it is great.

    Now because youare soo good at this I think it is your responcibility now to make the one piece of terrain i have not attempted… a village church.
    No bricks.. typically mostly stone.. but can be other. tall spire/s. Stained glass windows(you can paint those or colour print them). Dont go Beetlegeuse and scatter the yard with crooked head stones. LOL

  2. Hmm, mortar, you mean in the rubble or in the standing brickwork?

    Heh, ahh why bother, you make such excellent buildings and have plenty of experience in doing so. I could paint it and ‘decorate’ it for sure but I’m not sure I’d do that great a job at the structure.

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