Ork Defkopta

Here is the first of three defkoptas (the other two having not been painted yet).  Kinda fiddly thing as it comes in two halves which you stick together.  Unfortunately there are a few patches where it doesn’t really fit together all that well so you pretty much have a seam running the length of the model which you have to putty up.  Not to much of a problem but there is a lot of detail also which can be a bit of a pain to not obscure with the putty.  Also on this model I glued the Ork in place  (no mean feat in itself as it’s very fiddly to put his arms (a single peace holding the handlebars and instruments) and head on in the small space.  You feel very fat fingered.  Of course this means it’s even more difficult to paint.  I’ve learnt my lesson for the other two.  Otherwise it was pretty easy to paint.  Only problem is trying to work out what bits to paint silver, what brass, what to leave black etc.

2 Replies to “Ork Defkopta”

  1. Dude… I thought they all had red and white chequer board squares on them?

    Or is that only a particular tribe of orks?

    This model looks good.

    Some squats or gretchins or whatever they are acalled are needed… every cool ork machine has a gretchin..

    I always wonder about ork tech.. it must be very very powerfull in order to defy gravity…

    those blades could make enough breeze to cool a Ausie Darwin tin shed pub… let alone get lift off!

    So HOW! do they do it?

  2. Yeah that is a particular tribe as I understand it. The black and white scheme above is Goff colour scheme, I think red and white are evil sunz or something like that, or hell it’s probably just what the person feels like painting, I don’t know.
    Yeah ahh I wouldn’t think to long or hard about it, probably something of a lost cause.

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