LOTRSBG – Haradrim Raiders nearly finished

The Haradrim raiders are almost finished. I worked on some faces last night and have only some arm bands, webbings, washing and highlighting to go.

So on to the pictures are per usual. There are 12 riders in all here.
Plus Suladan in both mounted and foot models.

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Glade Riders

Knowing how much Martin enjoys the whacky cartoonish appearances of my old school elven steeds here are my 5 horse unit of old school glade riders.  What to say, well they look a bit silly now beside the new ones which look considerably more realistic.  I do kinda like the light armoured elves with their crested helms but these probably are a little civilised compared to the new  more feral approach which I think I prefer.  The paint job on the horses is ok.  Obviously my attempt to dapple them wasn’t very effective, they really need a white glaze over the top to blend the spots into the grey but at the time that was a bit beyond me, possibly still is.  I remember having a few goes and making a bit of a mess.

Orc Boar Boy

I bought and painted this figure for my eldest son James who is eight.  He really likes Orcs (not goblins, just orcs) which is useful because thats an army I collect and play.  I painted this figure much quicker than I usually paint and it probably shows a bit in the lack of detail.  Still it’s a nice clean job though this perhaps isn’t the best angle to view the model.