Savage Orc Shaman

Well here is my only spell caster for my Orc & Goblins.  He’s a savage orc because at the time of purchase that’s the only spell casting orc / goblin they had in the shop.  The paint scheme is Games Workshop (like most of my figures) and I wouldn’t say I’m particularly fond of it.  Probably one of the better parts is the snake wrapped around his arm which you can’t even see in this photo.

Grimgor Ironhide

For a long time my favourite and best painted figure in my collection (with the exception perhaps of my Avatar which I went and sold :cry:, anyway moving on).  This minature truly embodies the mean and green spirit of the orcs.  Obviously I’ve pretty much faithfully followed Games Workshop colour scheme as I almost always do.  There have been a couple of times when I’ve deviated thinking something would look good painted with a different scheme and then.. well.. it didn’t.  As a result I have little faith in my visualisation of colours and so tend to copy that which is proven.  The only thing thats a little different is the armour isn’t quite as blackened and the green skin isn’t quite as light.  Each time I think I should lighten the skin I decide not too.  I kinda like it dark.