Elf Lord with Bow

One of the reasons for creating this blog was so I could show (Martin at least) my minatures I’ve painted recently.

This is my latest Warhammer Fantasy figure.  Amber bought it amongst other things as a wedding anniversary present.  I’ve always liked the model.  It’s essentially painted exactly like the GW version, though sadly with a little less skill.  In fact I was so dismissive of it in it’s completed form that I decided that I was not going to paint fantasy again until I got some new good quality brushes, brush care material, flow improver, improved my technique (or at least stopped being so lazy) etc etc.  Essentially it was painted with a fishtailing synthetic size 0 brush, which though adequate has not produced a finish I’m proud of.  So in the meantime whilst I restock on essential art supplies I’m painting FOW Fallschirmjager (again with crappy synthetic brushes which are starting to fishtail or hook but meh they’re so small it’s not really noticable).

4 Replies to “Elf Lord with Bow”

  1. This where I would like to reply in the same known fashion as occours around the internet.

    “That is awesome….” (lots of smily faces pasted here)

    Followed by some nerd who actually will criticise the lighting in the photo.. or the google eyes.

    Then supporters will attack the critic who will then be shouted down by little fan voices saying things like .. “cool” mini… or… not. in a Wililam Shatner voice.

    Ultimatley another small group who support the critic for reasons of total logic and have no excited hyperactivity in the Hieena hunting pack, will out type and out argue the meeger ones and then silence.

    Until a small comment is posted that says…

    “that is so cool”

  2. Well thankyou, I think. Do not feel like you need to stroke my ego however. I realise that it’s not a completely worthless attempt. Really the point of this is to track my painting progress, and maybe, if you ever get around to it, for you to reciprocate in kind?

  3. Oh yeah right…. look I know my painting skills are not a spot on yours.
    Yes I can photograph too.
    However I have just not been in the mood to paint, and I need to be.

    And not be inspired at 8 o clock at night. And need some daylight and to drag all the projects out of the boxs.
    Then discover my airbrush is in Mosgiel 300km away.
    Then run out of primer paint.
    Run out of plastic glue.
    Then my lithium gives me the tremors for six days straight… and i can’t paint a straight line.

    And the frustration of life begins to drag me down…

    my life sucks!

  4. I do not want to compare our relative painting skill. That is not the point of this either. We might share advice however and it might inspire you to paint also.

    Besides which, this isn’t just about painting figures either but the hobby itself. For example, you make awesome pillboxes the equal of anything GF9 puts out, great buildings and have good ideas for numerous other terrain features. Perhaps you could discuss how you go making those.

    Yeah I know it can be all a bit frustrating, I’m not insisting you do this, I’m just hoping at some point you will.

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