Stock take – LOTR SBG

Had a stock take on Friday – Saturday – Sunday

Harad 1827
Mordor 2281
Moria 2779
Easterling 447
uruk hai 221 Total 7555
Rohirim 1158
MinisTirith 1720
Elves 1076
Undead 568
Dwarves 304
Fellowship 5115 Total 9941

Grand total 17496 points worth of miniatures.

I know I’m missing some… might be in another box somewhere.. some wood elf units.

Faramir – Armored version

had a bit of a painting blst tonight..

didn’t take very long.
One character.. two figures

Faramir from LOTR

I chose to paint him pretty much as he looks in the movie, not he GW style with lost’s of gold to make him stand out from the other knights.

So I primed with VJ black, base dry brushed GW boltgun metal, light dry brushed with VJ bright silver. Painted in the black areas again.

Then I played with the wet pallet to get the face done… not very good but a good table top job. Picked out lips after muted tones from brown to flesh.
No washed whatsoever..ok a little on the hair. Loved mixing the red browns for his Ginger/brown hair. Didn’t get the eyes very good or the intended light complexion.

Heaps of pictures..

On with the show

If only Willy could save all these Orcs?

Last weekend I decided to get a wriggle on and get some more figures .. mostly done.

I wanted to do something quick and Orcs seem to be easy to paint.. and they are.

These are not highlighted but seriously some of them don’t need it.

Many have no weapon as these are all second hand figs that I have stripped , re primed and now painted.

There are others that need arms sculpted on and I have decided to do that later… crazy I know.. but I wanted it now…


Anyways… on with he pictures.. as per usual..
Hand weapon and shield warriors group 1

Hand weapon and shield warriors group 2

Spear armed warriors group 3

Two handed weapon warriors group 4

two handed weapon warrior, Spear armed warriors (Spear fixed up by adding a blade so could be a two handed weapon or spear really. The third one needs arms added and weapon as conversion)

These three are really interesting… these are Uruk-Hai. I trimmed off the big engineers helmets and segmented armour to make them look like leather bodice, two of them need weapons added. I may beat some copper wire flat to make crude swords..thats another article.

Two handed weapon warrior fixed up to make as a spear

Flash mob photo…

There you have it 24 Orcs… is that 2 Dozen or a a pod?
Now all I nee is a little Hobbit.. called Willy maybe even…

one eyed Willey … Goonies. One eyed Willey  you remember him don't you?