Konigstiger Panzer

Here are my two king tigers.  Bought a pack of three and Martin took one I took two

They’ve been sitting in my cupboard (like everything I have) primed and ready to be painted for about three years.  I guess about six months ago I attacked them with the airbrush and got some base coat and camo pattern on them, they then sat idle until I painted Michael Potters panzer grenadiers last year.  After painting Mikes Tiger and Stugs I figured it was high time that I finish these.

As it is I might do a bit more weathering on them but that could take many more months so I figured I’d photograph them and stick them up.

Pretty happy with them, they look reasonably tidy and again they look a touch better in person/tank than the harsh light of the photo.  Part of the reason for holding off on them like I do a lot of expensive models is I want to do a really good job and I’m often unsure whether I’m in the right frame of mind or practiced enough to do such work.  Problem is I find I’m always second guessing myself and regardless any paint job looks better than primer or raw model.  My airbrushing skills could do with a bit of work and it’s that that I’m probably least pleased with on the model.

No idea when I’ll ever play a game where I can fit to king tigers though.

Don’t sit under the apple tree…

with anyone but me….

Hey… I have been a busy little bee (as Nero once said)..

I have spray painted the tigers… the king and the IE… the king was painted too wet and I will need to respray it as much or the exposed edges are still grey.

I also spray painted all the Sherman tanks… that’s 2 command tanks plus a 105mm Sherman and six 75mm Sherman’s.

And I have laid base putty on the rifle platoons that hadn’t been based… still have the Airborne troops to base tonight.

so I have some 18 bases done last night to add to about 32 odd already done.. just need to paint the bases and flock them and they will be done.

The Shermans buy the way look excellent… I think I will stick to a olive drab green finish over all… I was thinking of doing the brown colour??? but I’m not so sure.

Things learnt:
Don’t mix spackle to vigorously or it will become aerated and shrink when drying.

Liquefying medium is terrific as a way of making your paint spray paintable and go further. A very thin coverage of this stuff mixed 50/50 with paint colour over two coats is excellent.

However I always add.. paint retardant (1 drop) and alcohol 5-7 drops to the 5 fl oz cup on the badger.

Always add a little more paint to the dry wall plaster that you think you will need as it whitens down a lot after drying.

King Tiger

Getting the king tiger ready for operation Market Garden.

I have assembled the tank except the mud flaps and side skirts… because I want to be able to spray paint this monster.

Any ways.. as per usual.. some pictures.

Oh.. I had alot of trouble determining how the drivers hatch opens..

The battlefront pages didn’t have any photos of the configuration with hatches open… but I did find a good photo

hatch photo