Dr Who & Fallschirmjaeger Mortar Team

This is what I spent the last few days of last week working on.  My Dr Who, David Tennant figure.  He’s 28mm scale, fortunately the same size as all my WH stuff.  He was quite easy to paint except for the coat.  Leprous Brown is essentially a dirty yellow and as a consequence is a right annoyance to paint.  I did a pretty rubbish job on it and had to give up when I realised I was starting to fill in the folds in the coat.  Otherwise though I’m pretty happy with him.  Basecoated him in scorched brown which worked well (though not as well as I’d hoped for the coat).  Did the base with green stuff which I scoured into a kinda cobblestone pattern.  All in all a reasonably successful effort I feel.

Oh and this was supposed to be a series of four shots two from in front and two from behind of my 6 FJ mortar teams, however the others were blurry, so I’ll have to redo them.  In the meantime here is the back of one of the teams.

Currently I’m painting an Ork Defkopta, though Saturday night I spent time cleaning and assembling my Tiger 2s.  Look great, sadly ran out of paint when I was undercoating them so will have to come back to them.