
This is my Griffon, not technically a Games Workshop model, if memory serves it was produced by Harlequin or some such.  I have a few models of theirs, some woodelves and an orc.  Anyway this was bought I think before I got the 4th ed Wood Elves army book so back when you could field generic monsters.  Anyway when the rules changed and I couldn’t anymore I still painted it up and not long afterwards I was half heartedly collecting High Elves who could and still can field griffons.  Regardless of whether or not I can field it or would want to field a non-gw minature even if I could I still think it’s a nice model (looks like what I understand a griffon to look like, ie a lions body with eagles head and wings, not like the new gw one which looks like an eagle with a lion sticking out of it’s butt.  Which to be fair I haven’t seen other than a couple of photos but it’s not how I would have modeled it, regardless of how nice a job or not it is.)  Anyway very boring paint job, vomit brown I think with brown wash and then bleached bone dry brushed but I think it’s quite effective.  Need to remount it at some point onto a nice base.