Stock take – LOTR SBG

Had a stock take on Friday – Saturday – Sunday

Harad 1827
Mordor 2281
Moria 2779
Easterling 447
uruk hai 221 Total 7555
Rohirim 1158
MinisTirith 1720
Elves 1076
Undead 568
Dwarves 304
Fellowship 5115 Total 9941

Grand total 17496 points worth of miniatures.

I know I’m missing some… might be in another box somewhere.. some wood elf units.

Rohirim charge

I have just finally collected enough figures to create an impressive Rohirim army. 

I have been very reluctant to create a Rohirim army that is what alot of other people do.. pretty much a whole bunch of Rohirm on foot.

I have admitedly collected a few footmen in my endevours to get Horse Lords however.

So as I am nearing the completion of my Haradrim cavalry I am soon (read as “have”) started on 26 mounted Rohirim.  That will include 2 Heroes. Probbly need a third for the new source book system of having 1 hero per 10 models.  (I’m still struggling with how that affects a Moria Goblin swarm?)

This will be an interesting task as I am going to ue the airbrush alot. Especially for horses and the Rohirim cloaks and cloths. Mostly as a time saver.

Ther will be some conversion required and alot of repair as these are all 2nd hand models that ostly suffer from missing spears and broken bows.

I will edit in some photos later but ther is a small (read as big ) army amassing from this.

I’m hoping we might try some games over Christmas time if were lucky.










LOTRSBG – Haradrim Raiders nearly finished

The Haradrim raiders are almost finished. I worked on some faces last night and have only some arm bands, webbings, washing and highlighting to go.

So on to the pictures are per usual. There are 12 riders in all here.
Plus Suladan in both mounted and foot models.

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