Faramir – Armored version

had a bit of a painting blst tonight..

didn’t take very long.
One character.. two figures

Faramir from LOTR

I chose to paint him pretty much as he looks in the movie, not he GW style with lost’s of gold to make him stand out from the other knights.

So I primed with VJ black, base dry brushed GW boltgun metal, light dry brushed with VJ bright silver. Painted in the black areas again.

Then I played with the wet pallet to get the face done… not very good but a good table top job. Picked out lips after muted tones from brown to flesh.
No washed whatsoever..ok a little on the hair. Loved mixing the red browns for his Ginger/brown hair. Didn’t get the eyes very good or the intended light complexion.

Heaps of pictures..

On with the show