Konigstiger Panzer

Here are my two king tigers.  Bought a pack of three and Martin took one I took two

They’ve been sitting in my cupboard (like everything I have) primed and ready to be painted for about three years.  I guess about six months ago I attacked them with the airbrush and got some base coat and camo pattern on them, they then sat idle until I painted Michael Potters panzer grenadiers last year.  After painting Mikes Tiger and Stugs I figured it was high time that I finish these.

As it is I might do a bit more weathering on them but that could take many more months so I figured I’d photograph them and stick them up.

Pretty happy with them, they look reasonably tidy and again they look a touch better in person/tank than the harsh light of the photo.  Part of the reason for holding off on them like I do a lot of expensive models is I want to do a really good job and I’m often unsure whether I’m in the right frame of mind or practiced enough to do such work.  Problem is I find I’m always second guessing myself and regardless any paint job looks better than primer or raw model.  My airbrushing skills could do with a bit of work and it’s that that I’m probably least pleased with on the model.

No idea when I’ll ever play a game where I can fit to king tigers though.