LOTR SBG Converting Minis Tirith to Citadel Gaurd

These are archers of Minis Tirith on their way to being Citadel Gaurd.

First up this guy isn’t exactly finished.
The cape needs to come around his neck more and across his chest.
The eye openings a re wrong shape but I am not changing these as i will no doubt damage the eyes.
there is a pattern to be added to the nose protector.
The tab-bard is extended but quite roughly.. the paint job will hide a billion sculpting sins here.
The cape is very thin and has been bulked out in the small of the back. This is visible from the sides.. but I don’t care.
Ultimately these Citadel Guard give me the 3+ archery skill needed with long bows as opposed to just a bow. These boys are sharp shooters and aren’t needed for volley fire.. which hits on 6’s instead of 3’s