Completed the non vehicle units

Well I have basically completed all the foot troops.
Except for some ammo crates for the artillery.
Things to note:
2 spare platoon HQ stands .. just in case you need to split into three combat platoons at half strength.
There are 2 bazookas in the LMG platoon.
There is one bazooka in the mortar platoon.
The Bazookas and LMG’s up to 5 teams can make combat attachments to the combat platoons.
The two artillery batteries allow a double width template or
An 8 gun battery which re-rolls misses can range in on the “Hit em with everthing you got” rule. Because both batteries have a staff team.
And of course the staff team allows a time on target attack too.. with 8 guns! twice the rerolls!
The mortar platoon observers are the CHQ and 2iC which have no +1 penalty to range in. Thats why there is no observer in the mortar platoon.
The Sherman M4A3’s (not painted yet) has tank telephones.. allowing your Combat platoon troops to use the Eyes and ears rulls to remove gone to ground status of your target!

anyways pictures:

Company command and spare plt HQ's

Artillery battery comand carbine team, observer and staff team

Battery, yet to have ammo crates added.

All the foot forces

Bases coding