If only Willy could save all these Orcs?

Last weekend I decided to get a wriggle on and get some more figures .. mostly done.

I wanted to do something quick and Orcs seem to be easy to paint.. and they are.

These are not highlighted but seriously some of them don’t need it.

Many have no weapon as these are all second hand figs that I have stripped , re primed and now painted.

There are others that need arms sculpted on and I have decided to do that later… crazy I know.. but I wanted it now…


Anyways… on with he pictures.. as per usual..
Hand weapon and shield warriors group 1

Hand weapon and shield warriors group 2

Spear armed warriors group 3

Two handed weapon warriors group 4

two handed weapon warrior, Spear armed warriors (Spear fixed up by adding a blade so could be a two handed weapon or spear really. The third one needs arms added and weapon as conversion)

These three are really interesting… these are Uruk-Hai. I trimmed off the big engineers helmets and segmented armour to make them look like leather bodice, two of them need weapons added. I may beat some copper wire flat to make crude swords..thats another article.

Two handed weapon warrior fixed up to make as a spear

Flash mob photo…

There you have it 24 Orcs… is that 2 Dozen or a a pod?
Now all I nee is a little Hobbit.. called Willy maybe even…

one eyed Willey … Goonies. One eyed Willey  you remember him don't you?


Orc Boar Boyz

Here are six of my currently eight boar boyz.  What separates these six from the other two (well five of the really) is that they are 40K Orks.

Back at Varsity a fellow commissioned me to paint his 40K Orks.  However after I had painted his biker squad he told me he could not afford to pay me and so left me with the remaining figures.  Notably a squad of Ork Kommandos and whatever Ork boar riders were called in 40K.  These kicked around in my bitz box for many years before I turned up at a local kinda gamesday and someone offered to by my boars (not the orks mind, just the boars).  Later I managed to sell off the Ork Kommandos on Trademe (wish my infant son had pointed out then that he was interested in collecting Orks).  Anyway another year or two down the track and I decided to collect Fantasy Orcs and Goblins.  Going through my bitz box I came across these now boarless orks.  Thinking that I could luddite them down with a knife and a file and that this would be far cheaper than purchasing new boar boyz I proceeded too order six boars from games workshop through my local store.  When it came time to pay, imagine my surprise and joy at finding the boars cost only a little less than what they would have cost with their companion boyz.  Mildly irritated I stubbornly continued with my plan and these are the results.  Guns, ammo clips etc are all gone and I think they look pretty good, though a different style.  Skinny arms versus quite muscle bound regular orcs.  And yes one is actually a fantasy savage orc.  I think when I recieved them initially he was going to be the 40K equivalent of a standard bearer, or at least that’s what Brett told me.