
I have a few high elves over the years and still. I purchased this when it first came out, because well, Tryion was kickass and I thought it was a pretty cool model. It sat in my cupboard for probably twenty years, a bit like the green knight but at some point over the last few years I pulled it out and painted it. Not my best paint job but I like the colour palette and I feel the jewels came up well.


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Lotan, Warden of the Soul Ledgers

Quite liked the octopus on this guy so my wife purchased it for an anniversary. I do have ideas of buying an Indoneth Deepkin army, as I often do. Probably not the most flattering photo this one but it’s the only one I took. First crack at using resin, this is the uv cured resin with gel for the waves and a bit of white paint.

Lotan, Warden of the Soul Ledgers

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Kruelboyz Orruks

Looking to supplement my Ironjawz army I started a Kruelboyz, currently stands as the kruelboyz half of the dominion box (1x , 1x Killaboss, 1x Swampcalla Shaman, 1x Murkknob Blecha-banner, 10x Gutrippaz, 20x Hobgrotz, 3x Botboyz) supplemented with an additional ten Gutrippas, six more Man-skewer boltboyz, a Beast-skewer killbow and Swampboss Skumdrekk.

Quite like the vicious/cruel look to the army, the more athletic physique compared to the roid fueled bodybuilder style of the Ironjawz and the liberal use of bows and poison. The heroes are fantastic models and looking forward to getting a few more.

Here are the first three models I’ve painted. Following the box art and using AK-Interactive, wet mud, acrylic puddles, water gel swamp green, moss and random tufts to create the swampy bases. Still working out my process for the right combination of these.

Murknob with Belcha Banner

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