Here are six of my eight waywatchers. As you can see three have black bows and a more green and black colour scheme where as the other three have bone coloured bows with something of a more autumnal theme to them. Really nice models though kinda showing their age now both in sculpting and my painting ability. This is a time when I used my own colour schemes and you’ll see I did weird stuff like painting green boots… I’ve done that several times when using my initiative and not once have green boots or gloves looked acceptable. The one thing I am happy about is the eyes. The eyes on my waywatchers are some of the best I’ve ever done.
Speaking of brightly coloured paint jobs this is my Ariel minature. A more ghastly looking minature I don’t believe I possess. If I’m fair the style is heroic so you can’t quibble to much about its lack of proportion still she’s rather unattractive and the wings are quite thick, which you can’t really see from this picture. The robes are pretty good, though my drybrushing hasn’t really done them much justice. All in all it’s not a miniature I’m particularly proud of but it’s here for completeness.
Goblin Wolf Riders
Four of ten Goblin Wolf Riders. Painted the wolves way back when, but only finished the goblins in 2008 I believe. Next to the snotlings and the fanatics these were the first things I’d painted in several years. They’re a bit bland, could do with some hightlighing and the painting of something on their banner. Gamewise they’re a great cheap unit which is generally very effective.